Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Not so great a blogging!

I guess I'm not so great about blogging. I have lots to say I just never get around to say it. So I'm going to try to post regularly.

My new teaching job was a complete and very terrible disaster. On the 2nd day of school they said my class was too small so they let me go. It is now two weeks later and my prospects look grim. I know a lot of former stay at home moms have gone back to work as teachers so I'm wondering if this is part of the reason it is hard to find a position. I've spent hours and hours working (I'm looking at it as a full time job) and I cry nearly every day. This really sucks and it isn't fair. I'll never go back to that charter school, I'll never send my children to a charter school and I'll never work for any charter school again. There is no safety net for parents, students or staff.

The boys went to my new school for 3 days. On the 3rd day I withdrew them and put them in their old school. They LOVE IT! I think one thing I did learn from this is that I need to let them stay in their school and keep their social circles going. Both boys have friends who call them and considering they both are very much on the autism spectrum I think that is fabulous.

The other news is that we are debating the merits of going to a Humanistic Jewish synagogue or to a Unitarian Universalist congregation. I'm leaning more towards the UU group because I think there are things to learn from religion although I myself do not believe in god. I may try out both and see which we like better. I'd just like some community for myself to help combat the stupid cult upbringing I had :)

I have lots more to say so hopefully I'll come back tomorrow :)

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