Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Wonders of Webkinz

Some parents are not happy with Webkinz. It takes up a lot of time, it promotes an artificial community, it costs money. Those are just a few of the complaints I've heard about.

But, for my family, Webkinz has been great fun. My youngest son is just beginning to read. So it isn't unusual for my older son to help my younger one and I help both of them from time to time. They play with each other, send each other gifts and have fun. My younger son has also made a friend online and I'm happy because their chat is moderated by the program so they can only respond from scripted answers. I don't mind them making friends online when I know that no matter who is on the other end my child is safe.

So I like Webkinz and I plan on buying my kids some more pets. Will it still hold their attention in a year? Maybe not but it is drawing us together for now and that has to count for something.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Well, what now?

So today I'm thinking about so many things. But I don't know where to start. So I'll start with this....

I love to research my family history. I have gobs of information on both of my parents' families. So I like to read a lot of info about it. I discovered that there are several royal families who claim to be decsended from Adam. Really??? How could any royal family claim a line like that? And furthermore, they all come from the House of David so they are also Jewish. HA....

Pretty crazy. But no more crazy than realizing that if you went back to 1500 you would be decsended from something like a million people.

And these are the kinds of crazy things I think about!