Friday, May 30, 2008

Summer Summer Summer

This is what teachers live for really. Summers spent relaxing - ha! Not really. We've been off of school for a week and all I've done is household repairs that can't wait; clean; go shopping for needed supplies; try to get ready for the boys to go to camp next week; try to catch up with some old friends and a ton of other things. Plus, I've already started my lesson planning for next year. I want to do some work on classroom management and really get my plan and the 1st two weeks nailed down.

I go to training for the "Core Knowledge" sequence at the end of June and then I will spend all the rest of summer getting my lesson plans ready. Who says teachers have leisurely summers?????

I took a new job rather unexpectedly at the end of April. I had been teaching high school special education and I did something different every hour. I taught a pull out freshmen language arts class; team taught biology; taught pull out reading; team taught language arts and staffed the "academic center" (kind of like a tutoring room sort of). I am highly qualified in English so I'm not too sure how the biology thing happened. My co-teacher and I were an awesome team though and I'll miss her.

At my new school I'm teaching plain old 5th grade. But I'm extremely excited as I will take my two munchkins with me. Plus, the school is smaller and has excellent academics. But I will have my students all day vs. having them for only an hour or two. So the dynamics will be very interesting -- but very exciting:)