Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hurricane Gustav

Oh the potential for this to be really bad is certainly there. I cannot describe the dread this fills me with. In Hurricane Katrina I had a friend living in the NOLA area. She evacuated with her daughter and mother but her husband and dad stayed behind. They were ok but it took several weeks for them to get home. I also had a guy working for me doing hab/respite for the boys and he was from Biloxi and an entire family that he was close to drowned in the hurricane. It really shook me because I had several ties to the area.

To see this happening almost exactly 3 years later is just devastating to contemplate. I haven't heard from my friend who still lives in the area. I don't know what their plans are. But the reports are that the hurricane could stall right on the gulf coast of LA and cause extensive flooding and surges. Just horrific to think about.

This time people seem to be making plans for the safety of those who can't care for themselves. Things seem organized at this point. It is a testimony to humans' ability to be resiliant and caring to see the prepartions so far.

I continue to hope that people will follow manadatory evacuation orders, be safe and look out for each other. I also hope that life will be spared and this will turn out to be less severe than we anticipated.

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